presenting the team – senior newbie #2

Cosmin Piţu – Junior Ruby on Rails Developer

At my workstation
At my workstation

Joined the team about two months ago, trying to find the “way it’s meant to be done” approach to Rails projects – have discovered Rails last year about this time, developed some small projects yet always learned “by ear” so not necessarily best practices / using Rails’ whole potential. Always on the prowl for inspiration to match my allegedly semi-artsy persona.

This is me by my workplace, never mind the “visual noise” there, I usually keep my desk oh so very tidy ! And yes, as Andreas said on the first few days of work, I’ve been given the largest monitor in the office (Jakob thought the resolution and the crispness of the said monitor were below-par so I accepted the little gift ). And oh yes, that bash shell I’m rocking is totally Matrix-style.

Yes, I’m usually a bit more “outspoken” than this, but I guess this will suffice for the time being, a small “intro” post. Check out my profile for more I guess.
“Keep up keeping up” !

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