tools of mass assistance

In our work as computer science engineers it so often happens that we need to assist clients or relatives with little or none technical knowledge or experience.

Here I want to present two simple tools (and alternatives) which helps you assist people:

Teamviewer – free for NON-Commercial use (Win, Mac , Linux (wine), Web(flash))

for short – VNC without portforwarding/firewall issues + lots of other features.


And It just works!

more info on their site

A free for business alternative is  Ammyy Windows only – but you can host your own middleman

Support Details (website)

Questions like: What Browser do you use? Is Flash installed? are confusing to some people

The Answer :

just tell the person in question to go to that website and fill out the Fields , and you get a nice email

a alternative special for webdesigner would be

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